Monday, August 8, 2016

The 42 Laws Of Maat


Focus and Concentration Meditation

Rebuilding the Brain
by Bikbaye Inejnema

Brain research is beginning to produce concrete evidence for something that Kemetic (African) priests and practitioners of the Ka?at Ibi (the original system of meditation) have maintained since the Pharaonic period of Ancient Egypt (Kemet). Mental discipline and meditative practice can change the workings of the brain and allow people to achieve different levels of awareness. Those transformed states have normally been understood in transcendent terms, as something outside the world of physical measurement and objective evaluation. But over the past few years, researchers at the University of Wisconsin have been able to translate those mental experiences into the scientific language of high-frequency gamma waves and brain synchrony or coordination. And they have pinpointed the left prefrontal cortex, an area just behind the left forehead, as the place where brain activity associated with meditation is especially intense.

Richard Davidson, a neuroscientist at the University, said, "what we found is that the longtime practitioners of meditation showed brain activation on a scale we have never seen before. Their mental practice is having an effect on the brain in the same way golf or tennis practice will enhance performance." It demonstrates, he said, that the brain is capable of being trained and physically modified in ways few people can imagine.

Scientists used to believe the opposite, that connections among brain nerve cells were fixed early in life and did not change in adulthood. But that assumption was disproved over the past decade with the help of advances in brain imaging and other techniques, and in its place, scientists have embraced the concept of ongoing brain development.

Those ?new? discoveries can literally be seen as an insult to many indigenous practitioners of different forms of meditation. It was only because they knew the benefits that meditation has on the brain, that meditation was introduced to the world. Actually, meditation is a modern term. If one looks to define what meditation means, it would have something related to thinking in common. Actually, that is what the dictionary defines it as - to think. This may cause some confusion because at some point in our everyday lives, we are required to think. But by definition, are we meditating?

The most efficient way of learning the realities of almost anything that may arouse our curiosities is by going back to its source. The Kemetic civilization introduced this concept of altering and enhancing the brain capabilities through strengthening the senses of a human being. This original system is called the Kaat Ibi, which is a Medu (hieroglyphic) word that can be translated as awareness of the mind and heart. This practice has been preserved and passed down from generation to generation in the mystery school initiations that take place in the African bush. It is the direct knowledge of the temples of the Nile and Niger Valleys. It then sheds some light on the fact that the Kemetic civilization attained a level of life that has not been surpassed until today, even with all of the technology available and the capabilities they have to perform impressive functions. Honestly, if the human brain itself can perform at its fullest potential, there would be no need for computers or other programmed machines. But because of the degeneration of the human brain and its capabilities, we are becoming more and more dependent on technological advancements than our own intellectual advancements.

Although these studies are thousands of years late in realizing how important meditation is to the brain and its activities, since now that ?scientists? have proven that it works, maybe more people will seek the knowledge and benefits of meditation.

The 42 Divine Principles of Maat in Budge's native English follows:

I have not committed sin. 
I have not committed robbery with violence.
I have not stolen.
I have not slain men or women.
I have not stolen food.
I have not swindled offerings.
I have not stolen from God/Goddess.
I have not told lies.
I have not carried away food.
I have not cursed.
I have not closed my ears to truth.
I have not committed adultery.
I have not made anyone cry.
I have not felt sorrow without reason.
I have not assaulted anyone.
I am not deceitful.
I have not stolen anyone’s land.
I have not been an eavesdropper.
I have not falsely accused anyone.
I have not been angry without reason.
I have not seduced anyone’s wife.
I have not polluted myself.
I have not terrorized anyone.
I have not disobeyed the Law.
I have not been exclusively angry.
I have not cursed God/Goddess.
I have not behaved with violence.
I have not caused disruption of peace.
I have not acted hastily or without thought.
I have not overstepped my boundaries of concern.
I have not exaggerated my words when speaking.
I have not worked evil.
I have not used evil thoughts, words or deeds.
I have not polluted the water.
I have not spoken angrily or arrogantly.
I have not cursed anyone in thought, word or deeds.
I have not placed myself on a pedestal.
I have not stolen what belongs to God/Goddess.
I have not stolen from or disrespected the deceased.
I have not taken food from a child.
I have not acted with insolence.
I have not destroyed property belonging to God/Goddess

MAAT and her laws
Ra Sekhi Arts Temple 

The Concept Of Maat Understanding Alkebulan - Dr. Ben Jochannan

Bleed the beast and Support the only solution to injustice, "Black African Pan Nationalism"

List of assured and recognized Nationalist fundraisers

Supporting all these worldwide fundraisers would cost about 50 U.S Dollars. Give as much as you can, it all goes to support infrastructure for African American communities.
Our main donation page at OyoTunji African Village. We are raising $15 dollars per month via 100, 000 brave lionesses and lions, who are ready to support a Black Nationalist economy. $127,000,000 million in 7 years, lets keep it going strong. Click here: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Help save Gullah Gee Chee land. Fighting hard for African liberation since the 17th century, descendants of Angola, the Gullah Gee Chee people, managed to preserve some of their native tongue, their ancestry culture and pride. From slave revolts to freeing other slaves, civil rights struggle, Pan-Africanism, many of the members of the famed, "Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church" of Charleston are Gullah Gee Chee descendants. Because of the low state of economy of South Carolina's Low Country, government seizure of their lands and vicious taxation, many Gullah people are losing their lands. But you can help them out with a small donation. Here is their GoFundMe page: 
Dr. Umar Johnson's fund me page. Click here:
He is raising $5 Million dollars for a high tech private school for our young boys. If we could reach 300,000 people this would give Dr. Johnson his $5 Million for the school. A girl's school would be the next ideal mark and also Queen's club where our women can gather for they are the leaders of the family's interest.
Also support the Collect Black People Movement. They have a .27 a cent day, $8.10 fundraiser a month, they already have a thousand people signed up. Click here:
Much love for my believers on the Nation of Islam they also have a fundraising that's set at .30 cents day, about $10.00 a month. They are shooting for 16 million people, trying to raise about 250 million in a year. Click here:
For more info:
Empire Washitaw De Dugdahmoundyah. The Nation of ancient American Mound Builders they came before Columbus from Africa on Egyptian boats. Africans were sailing the seas for thousands of years. The Washitaw are ruled over, like the Gullah, by a Queen Mother, Her Highness Devine: Empress Wendy Farica Washitaw. Please show your support for their nation. We are only as strong as our weakest link as African Diaspora. The Washitaw donation page: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please support all these Black Nationalists efforts to provide true economic freedom and total liberation for all African Diaspora. The hand has five fingers and they all must be strong, work in coordination, to build a stronger Diaspora.
Henry Garnett said, "If we are to bleed, then lets bleed all at once.
Those who have it to give should give large amounts. In the upper ranges of $250.00 one time. If we can get 10,000 people to give $250 that would be $2.5 Million to complete , His Royal Majesty Oba Adefunmi II's 7 year plan, all in month. So give now! Up you Mighty Nation-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Queen Mother of Africa, Her Royal Highness the Nnabagereka (Queen) of Buganda, Sylvia Nagginda Luswata. Please give $1.00 per household member and show your support for women and children of Africa. As we know women suffer the greatest on the weak political platform of Africa and children die in record numbers. The Queen Mother makes 3/4th of the Africa world, women and children, her first priority. Her example must be followed worldwide, Her Royal Highness the Nnabagereka (Queen) of Buganda, Sylvia Nagginda Luswata, is bringing is the change of Africa. Donate:
Our goal is $1 Billion, raised by all Africans worldwide, all languages and all ethnic groups.